Registration Pt1

Armed Forces Bowl

Please Note: Registration is a simple 2-step process. (1) Complete the form. (2) Pay for registration. Please be sure to complete the entire registration form. Thank you…

* indicates required field

Acceptable file types: pdf,jpg,jpeg,png.
Maximum file size: 7mb.
Please upload a picture of your athlete so we can announce his participation.

2019/2020 Grade Level

Please select your top 3 choices. (Number is not guaranteed)

Team Selection is not guaranteed but will be taken into top priority consideration going into the draft selection.

I, the parent/guardian of the registrant, a minor, agree that I and the registrant will abide by the rules of Certified Sports Network and it's affiliated organizations and sponsors. Recognizing the possibility of physical injury associated with football and in consideration for CSN accepting the registrant for the Youth Armed Forces Bowl activities. I hereby release, discharge and/or otherwise indemnify CSN and their affiliated organizations, and sponsors. This will include but is not limited to their employees and associated personnel, board members, including the owners of the facilities utilized for the program against any claim by or on behalf of the registrant as a result of the registrant's participation in the program and/or being transported to or from the same which transportation I hereby authorize.